So Much Shareware 4
So Much Shareware 4 (Power User Software) (1994).ISO
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AFFRD400.ZIP 174154 01-12-94 AFFORD IT??? v4.00; Annuity calculation
| package with on screen hand calculator.
| Amortizes loans, calculates savings with
| steady or variable deposits, tracks your
| loans, calculates interest by two different
| methods. User defines screen colors. All new
| editing, menuing system while retaining old,
| familiar hot keys.
AMORTZ15.ZIP 110859 11-16-93 AMORTZ - Loan Schedules & More! v1.50 <ASP>
| The EASY financial loan calculation system.
| AMORTZ is a very "user friendly" package that
| can calculate any of the loan variables
| (principal, interest, payment amount or # of
| payments), and can then generate amortization
| schedules by year. AMORTZ can also be used
| for "What If" calculations to see how changes
| in principal payments or interest rate can
| affect loan totals.
AMTAX93.ZIP 240661 11-23-93 Amtax '93 1993 Tax Preparation Software.
AP94.ZIP 217014 12-29-93 AUTO PRICE 94 v2.4.0; New car or auto pricing
| program.- Menu driven to select make, model,
| style, equip, loan table, & prt output. Shows
| price, pkg/equip cross ref., & std equip
| list. Intelligent data base adds or del
| equip, checks req, & changes prices. On line
| user guide, regisration form, & help.
ATH201.ZIP 414054 01-19-94 AROUND THE HOUSE v2.01; Complete home and
| personal information manager. Easily keep
| track of names, addresses, and phone numbers;
| grocery lists; to-do lists; vehicle repairs
| and maintenance; household maintenance and
| repairs. Contains an appointment calendar, an
| income and expenses module, a home inventory
| module, an easy-to-use word processor with
| mail-merge. View and print many reports.
BOND9311.ZIP 97447 12-19-93 EE BONDS TRACKER 93.11; Track up to 1,000, EE
| Savings bonds. This program will allow you to
| Input, Delete, and Arrange a bond portfolio.
| There is also an option to provide a hard
| copy. BONDS TRACKER allows the user to input
| new interest rates, or update the interest
| rates as they change.
BONDS.ZIP 101227 11-26-93 EE BONDS TRACKER v93.11; Track up to 1,000,
| EE Savings bonds. This program will allow you
| to Input, Delete, and Arrange a bond
| portfolio. There is also an option to provide
| a hard copy. Allows the user to input new
| interest rates, or update the interest rates
| as they change. The U.S. Government publishes
| the interest rates in May and November. For
| more information on updating interest rates,
CAR132.ZIP 296733 01-08-94 C.A.R. v13.2; Usage and maintenance
| logger/reminder for vehicles,machines,tools.
| Quick & easy to use, has context-sensitive
| pop-up help and a manual. Helps you operate
| reliably and economically, adds value at
| resale time. Supports metric use, foreign
| currencies. The most comprehensive program
| available!
CASHC.ZIP 259676 08-25-93 Cash Control Ver. 1.0C Revision <ASP> CC is a
| personal or small business checkbook program
| designed for those who find most finance
| programs confusing. It is loaded with
| features for small business yet simple to
| learn. The setup prints a personal guide to
| use while installing your own accounts and
| bank info. The program features split
| accounts, budget help, check printing
CBPLUS55.ZIP 352037 12-01-93 CHECKBOOK PLUS v5.5 <ASP> Full-featured cash
| management and budgeting system that helps
| you master your financial affairs. Handles
| multiple accounts, account reconciliation,
| and memorized transactions. Print checks,
| customized income statement and cash flow
| reports, and check register. Features
| pull-down menus, on-line help, mouse support,
| pop-up calendar, math and financial
| calculators, and much more....
CHF100.ZIP 135414 11-21-93 LOAN CHIEF v1.00 [ASP] Loan calculating has
| never been this easy! Professional schedules
| with a multitude of options: Weekly - Annual,
| variable rates, loan acceleration, tax
| analysis, variable payments,
| cumulative/non-cumulative, variable compound
| methods and much more! Produces LOAN CHARTS,
| a new and novel concept in loan processing.
| Save and retrieve info. Solve for values.
CHKPRT.ZIP 275774 06-10-93 Check-Print; This is a very easy to run
| program. You can run it without a manual. The
| Program has 6 Charts of Accounts you can pick
| from, once one is picked you can modify it to
| your personal specifications, or you can set
| up your own Charts of Accounts.
DBT121.ZIP 112267 08-20-93 THE DEBT ANALYZER v1.21 Designed to help
| reduce and eliminate debt. Debt reduction is
| illustrated through a loan payment schedule
| or through loan consolidation. Up to 20 debts
| can be processed at one time. Use minimum
| payments, current payments or accelerated
| payments with matrix. Debts can be
| prioritized. Term or payment can be specified
| with consolidation. View, print or save to
| file. Supports multiple clients
FINWIZ5.ZIP 128650 06-15-93 FINANCIAL WIZARD (TM), <ASP> - A very
| powerful, easy to use investment and loan
| analysis program that calculates dozens of
| personal and business financial situations
| with ease. Amortization, future and present
| values, depreciation,and date calculations
| are just a fraction of the options the
| program can calculate. Full mouse and color
| support along with exceptional documentation
| make this a first rate program.
FPLAN40A.ZIP 291946 02-06-94 FPLAN Personal Financial Planner v4.0 [1/2]
| Comprehensive menu driven program with full
| mouse support to develop and plan for all
| your important financial goals. Available
| tutorial check-list, on-screen help, and
| detailed Data Guides assist you. Option of US
| or International type planning details.
FPLAN40B.ZIP 352836 02-06-94 FPLAN Personal Financial Planner v4.0 [2/2]
| Comprehensive menu driven program with full
| mouse support to develop and plan for all
| your important financial goals. Available
| tutorial check-list, on-screen help, and
| detailed Data Guides assist you. Option of US
| or International type planning details.
H13A.ZIP 208914 11-21-93 YOU'RE HIRED! v1.3a <ASP> - An excellent job
| interview simulator that provides realistic
| training to prepare you for your next job
| interview. "You're Hired!" asks you common
| challenging questions and records elapsed
| times as you verbally respond. Press a key to
| receive professional advice and to review
| your own reminder notes. Also add, change,
| and print the questions and advice. Practice
| makes perfect. 512K RAM.
HBRM15.ZIP 85470 03-10-94 Home Basis Record Manager v1.5; Every
| homeowner needs to keep track of the basis
| (cost) of a house or condo. This program will
| do it for you. It identifies more than 40
| events that raise or lower basis. Keeping
| this information will lower your tax bill
| someday. Supports printing.
HR312.ZIP 182905 12-27-93 Household Register v3.12; It's the only
| program you'll care about the day your home
| or office is robbed or destroyed! Records all
| the right information about your assets so
| that your insurance company pays. This unique
| inventory program unables you to quickly find
| any item by category, location, or owner.
| Reports to screen, disk or printer
HWPP102.ZIP 184477 05-07-93 Personal Possessions v1.00 from RSI. Part of
| the HomeWorks Home Management System. Simple
| simple, easy to use organizer. Menu driven
| with full mouse support. Multiple sort and
| print options. Registered version includes
| the TBuilder utility. Build audio tapes from
| the AudioFile database, songs entered while
| building, or a combination of both.
JOBHUNT5.ZIP 323044 02-24-94 JOBHUNT-5-S; The Complete Job-Search Tool!
| Write to thousands of potential employers
| nationwide in a single day. Provides full
| contact-info, prints personalized letters,
| labels and envelopes. Search companies by
| different criteria. Phone dialer. Sales/Mktg
| uses. Rave ReviewsPress, Radio, TV. More.
| With JOBHUNT "no longer is it necessary to
| spend days in the library developing a
| database of leading employers".
LOAN200.ZIP 71025 08-17-93 HOME LOAN DIARY 2.0 - Mortgage diary.
| Calculates how much $$$ you can save by
| paying a loan off early. Like a Lotus
| spreadsheet but scrollable! Additional
| principal payments and notes can be entered
| and saved to disk. Printouts & calculator
| available. Simple to use!
LOAN443.ZIP 46662 08-25-93 Loanvalu; Loan management software
MES1.ZIP 587689 06-27-93 MarketEdge is for the beginning stock market
| investor:professional trader:money manager.
| SASI's MarketEdge is a stock market trend
| analysis market timing software program. It
| can be used for individual stocks and
| Indexes, but the primary function of
| MarketEdge is to analyze the overall stock
| market and determine major trend changes.
MLRCHK25.ZIP 171454 09-01-93 MY LITTLE REALM'S CHECKING v2.5 <ASP> - makes
| your check balancing a cinch. It's the way
| you've always taken care of your checking
| account, but all the hard parts are handled
| electronically. Quickeys make data entry fast
| and easy. You can track tax deductions,
| business expenses, household expenses, more.
MLRCRG25.ZIP 157473 09-05-93 My Little Realm's Charging v2.5 <ASP> - Just
| what the doctor ordered if you need to
| monitor your credit card expenditures!
| Charging lets you see at a glance what you
| have outstanding on each card and the total
| outstanding. You can track tax deductions,
| home and business expenses, more.
MLRPUB26.ZIP 136988 09-01-93 My Little Realm's Public Library v2.5; Tired
| of paying overdue fines? Public Lib. lets you
| see at a glance which books are due and when.
| After you mark the outstanding books
| returned, those records are kept in a
| historical file that you can peruse, sort,
| print, and search. Helps high school and
| college students record research.
MLRSAV25.ZIP 132734 09-01-93 MY LITTLE REALM'S SAVINGS v2.5; Track
| investment savings. Enter the worth of each
| investment, as well as pertinent information
| like the location of each of the documents,
| so you won't forget where you put your
| Savings Bonds, Passbook, etc. This financial
| recorder also prints your portfolio. Very
| useful if you're refinancing.
MOMONY04.ZIP 171603 11-02-93 A Complete Electronic text & Graphics
| MAGAZINE dedicated to teaching the reader how
| to save money and invest it in Paying off the
| Mortgage. Concepts used are new to most
| people. Included is a Primer on becoming
| totally FINANCIALLY FREE! This program can
| save the average reader 10 - 20 years paying
| for a home.
MPCH511.ZIP 163610 07-05-93 Checkbook Management Program v5.11;
| Full-featured checkbook manager. Enter, edit,
| or delete transactions. Reconcile bank
| statement. Print checks (any format).
| Numerous reports including expense and income
| summaries. Up to 50 budget categories
| allowed. 320K Ram req. Color monitor,hard
| disk,printer recomm.
MRT109.ZIP 143938 08-27-93 THE MORTGAGE ANALYZER v1.09; Contains options
| for amortization schedules, loan
| qualification, refinancing, mortgage accel-
| eration, side by side mortgage comparisons,
| and mortgage related calculators. Schedule
| detail is monthly or annual, calendar or
| fiscal, cumulative or non-cumulative, whole
| dollars or cents. Tax Analysis, Daily
| Interest, Points, etc. Save and retrieve
| multiple clients. Fixed, Stepped, ARM.
MS2Q11.ZIP 22451 06-14-93 MS2Q - program that will build a Quicken
| format security price file using MetaStock
| Data. The Quicken format file can then be
| imported into Quicken to update security
| prices.
PCE15.ZIP 336564 12-15-93 PC Chart v1.5; Stock and commodity charting
| program, which combines superior charting,
| database, and telecommunications
| capabilities. Generates commodity and stock
| charts and standard technical indicators such
| as moving averages and RSI. The built-in
| telecommunications capabilities can be used
| to download quotes from All- Quotes,
| CompuServe, Dial/Data, and GEnie.
PERIN212.ZIP 100446 11-12-93 PERSONAL INVENTORY 2.12; Keeps track of
| personal inventory. Includes: initial
| purchase costs, depreciation, serial and
| model numbers, warranty information and
| description. Handy worksheet. Easy to use.
PF2_20_A.ZIP 288876 02-18-94 PERSONAL FINANCES 2 v4.02i; Full function
| personal and small business financial system.
| Supports all types of accounts-checking,
| credit card, margin, etc. Integrated
| subsystems for budgets, accounts pay/rcv,
| fixed assets, financial investments. Prints
| checks, interfaces to TurboTax, imports stock
| quotes from Prodigy. On-line user's guide and
| extensive context senistive help. Fully
| supported. [1/3]
PF2_20_B.ZIP 362025 02-18-94 PERSONAL FINANCES 2 v4.02i; Full function
| personal and small business financial system.
| Supports all types of accounts-checking,
| credit card, margin, etc. Integrated
| subsystems for budgets, accounts pay/rcv,
| fixed assets, financial investments. Prints
| checks, interfaces to TurboTax, imports stock
| quotes from Prodigy. On-line user's guide and
| extensive context senistive help. Fully
| supported. [2/3]
PF2_20_C.ZIP 392091 02-18-94 PERSONAL FINANCES 2 v4.02i; Full function
| personal and small business financial system.
| Supports all types of accounts-checking,
| credit card, margin, etc. Integrated
| subsystems for budgets, accounts pay/rcv,
| fixed assets, financial investments. Prints
| checks, interfaces to TurboTax, imports stock
| quotes from Prodigy. On-line user's guide and
| extensive context senistive help. Fully
| supported. [3/3]
PMIS3.ZIP 202750 01-27-94 The Personal Management Information System;
| Not just another check book program. It is
| "THE" check book manager that incorporates
| the best features of past and present check
| book programs that have inundated the world.
| Provides a personal budget system that is
| fully integrated with the check book
| database. PMIS includes an Engagements
| feature that provides a desk calendar and and
| an appointment manager among other features!
| Investment portfolio record keeping system.-
| Tracks investments, computes ROI & yields,
| analyze portfolios, etc. Use as a tax
| planning/preparation tool. Sub-divide your
| portfolio in up to 5 accts to track IRA's,
| spousal IRA, special accts, etc. Flexible
| report generator. Mouse support. Manual on
| disk. Context sensitive help screens.
| Investment portfolio record keeping system.-
| Tracks investments, computes ROI & yields,
| analyze portfolios, etc. Use as a tax
| planning/preparation tool. Sub-divide your
| portfolio in up to 5 accts to track IRA's,
| spousal IRA, special accts, etc. Flexible
| report generator. Mouse support. Manual on
| disk. Context sensitive help screens.
| Investment portfolio record keeping system.-
| Tracks investments, computes ROI & yields,
| analyze portfolios, etc. Use as a tax
| planning/preparation tool. Sub-divide your
| portfolio in up to 5 accts to track IRA's,
| spousal IRA, special accts, etc. Flexible
| report generator. Mouse support. Manual on
| disk. Context sensitive help screens.
PRL130.ZIP 311871 02-16-94 PAPER ROUTE LEDGER v1.30; Computerize your
| paper route bookkeeping with this unique
| program. Keeps track of customers, addresses,
| delivery order, route listing, collections,
| billings, tips, etc. Print reports on your
| customers, collections, route list, etc. Will
| handle multiple Delivery types (i.e. weekly,
| weekdays only, weekends only, etc). Handles
| direct pay *AND* customers who pay through
| the newspaper offices.
PRO93S.ZIP 418632 01-02-94 PRO93S V0.93 19 DEC 93 <ASP> A Federal Form
| 1040 Tax Return preparation program with 52
| forms, including a graphics Form 1040 for
| signature using Epson dot matrix printer or
| HP laser printer. Includes professional
| features like fee schedule, front page, and
| calculator.
QTAX05.ZIP 96246 01-11-94 QUICKTAX v1.05; Tax calculator/planner, no
| forms to enter- Tax calculator/planner.
| Automatically guides through all necessary
| entries without forms. Know your tax all
| year. Prevent penalties, maximize deductions,
| credits, allowances, IRAs, pensions, Social
| Security. Hyperspeed review, quick changes.
RESKIT12.ZIP 126184 09-22-93 PC PERSONAL RESUME KIT v1.2; Build
| personalized 'electronic' resumes- The PC
| Personal Resume Kit allows you to build an
| 'electronic' resume (complete with a
| digitized image of yourself) that will
| personify you in an original manner with
| details to enhance your personal assets.
| ORIGINALITY is the key!
STAX93.ZIP 292678 01-04-94 1993 SHARE-TAX/1040 v2.1 <ASP>-Full-featured
| 1040 tax program for individual and paid pre-
| parers. 1040, A, B, C, D, E, EIC, F, R, SE,
| 2106, 2119, 2441, 3903, 4137, 4562, 6251,
| 8606, 8615, 8829 plus worksheets. Printouts
| IRS-approved. LaserJet, DeskJet, dot-matrix
| graphic 1040. Enter data in any order, any-
| time. Pulldown menus, mouse-aware, on-line
| help & install program.
SUPER_M1.ZIP 338090 07-01-93 <ASP> Over 250 *.WK1 macros + over 220 *.MLB
| macros + menu-driven MACRO MANAGERS to start
| macros using POINT&SHOOT. Data inside ranges
| does not have to be contiguous or same type.
| The macros sense the Lotus version and
| automatic- ally handle 2D and 3-D ranges.
| Registration $50 (see INVOICE.TXT & ORDER.TXT
| fordetails). Unpacked this file to DISK 1
| (see README.1st)
SUPER_M2.ZIP 296497 07-01-93 <ASP> Over 250 *.WK1 macros + over 220 *.MLB
| macros + menu-driven MACRO MANAGERS to start
| macros using POINT&SHOOT. Data inside ranges
| does not have to be contiguous or same type.
| The macros sense the Lotus version and
| automatic- ally handle 2D and 3-D ranges.
| Registration $50 (see INVOICE.TXT & ORDER.TXT
| fordetails). Unpacked this file to DISK 2
| (see README.1st)
SUPER_M3.ZIP 263552 07-01-93 <ASP> Over 250 *.WK1 macros + over 220 *.MLB
| macros + menu-driven MACRO MANAGERS to start
| macros using POINT&SHOOT. Data inside ranges
| does not have to be contiguous or same type.
| The macros sense the Lotus version and
| automatic- ally handle 2D and 3-D ranges.
| Registration $50 (see INVOICE.TXT & ORDER.TXT
| fordetails). Unpacked this file to DISK 3
| (see README.1st)
TAX93S.ZIP 351908 01-02-94 TAX93S V0.93 19 DEC 93 <ASP> A Federal Form
| 1040 Tax Return preparation program with 28
| forms, including a graphics Form 1040 for
| signature using Epson dot matrix printers or
| HP laser printer. This program will install
| on a dual 360K floppy system as well as hard
| disk systems.
TFM92.ZIP 247393 08-23-93 THE FEELING'S MUTUAL V2.1.92 (DOS) <ASP>
| Contains complete information on 300+ mutual
| funds and 25 fund families. Financial
| projections based on your assumptions. Full
| registration brings bound manual, expanded
| database, unlimited tech support & free
| update. Reqs HD, 640K. Windows ver. avail
YH132.ZIP 210653 02-21-94 YOU'RE HIRED! v1.32; Informative job
| interview simulator that provides realistic
| training to prepare you for your next job
| interview. "You're Hired!" asks you common
| challenging questions and records elapsed
| times as you verbally respond. Press a key to
| receive professional advice and to review
| your own reminder notes. Also add, change,
| and print the questions and advice. Practice
| makes perfect.